Improve your 2025

Do a SideQuest with us!

New years resolutions are out, SideQuests are in! At least if you're looking for a more fun life.

*) If you're looking for an intention setting framework for your resolutions,
our Alex may help you


So, what's a SideQuest?

A SideQuest is about investing in yourself, and allowing yourself to achieve a goal.


You do it for yourself

Accomplishing your SideQuest should feel like a prize.


It requires an investment

Time, money or energy, or a combination. It is all up to you.


At the edge of your comfort zone

It is highly recommended that your SideQuest takes you to the edge, or even outside of your comfort zone. We believe this to be more rewarding.


It's thrilling

You go after it because it's thrilling and something you want to achieve.


It's not: self-improvement

You're perfect just as you are. Your SideQuest is a celebration of you.

Why this group?

The purpose is to hold you accountable, and help you accomplish your SideQuest.

By putting your idea out there, you make it easier for others on the same journey, or in a position to give you a hand, to find you. As Austin Kleon said in Show your Work:

Make stuff you love and talk about stuff you love and you’ll attract people who love that kind of stuff.

How do I find my side quest?

Sometimes it's hard. Here's a couple of questions to help get you started:

— What's one thing you've wanted to do for yourself for a long time?
— If you meet a friend in a year: what would be cool to tell them that "oh, I did this last year!"

Totally free

In case you were wondering: There are no costs. Your quest is not sold to anyone, and there are no ads.

This website is Marius's SideQuest. The server costs (equivalent of 10 coffees) + time to setup the site is part of the investment.